The World is Flat highlights how, practically overnight our world has become so interconnected with modern technology that it functions on an even playing field. Competitors around the world now battle for jobs in
are having (and will continue to have) a greater impact on the near future. Friedman explains that the primary drivers flattening of our world occurred because of relatively new technologies such as the personal computers, the internet and fiber-optics. History combined with suggestions for the future of how to handle our new globalization make Friedman’s book a decent read.
Mr. Friedman simplifies his theory of the flattening of the world into ten main topics. Most of these topics are technology based such as the introduction of Netscape, workflow software, open/out and in-sourcing and supply chaining. He provides a history lesson, as he travels through the world explaining how much the world has changed practically overnight. This book seems to be mostly directed towards business minded individuals, yet it should be interesting to anyone who wants to preview the direction where our world is heading. While the world is becoming flatter, benefits are seen all over the world as some industries and communities are becoming better connected, more efficient and more prosperous. One major problem which Friedman fails to really identify is to provide solutions to the immense environmental problems which the flat world creates.
Friedman provides personal insight on the developing problems of the world and plays devils advocate attempting to ring out the questions that must be addressed. While the flatteners he described play an important role in understanding why our world is what it is today, I couldn’t help but notice how some of his examples were practically identical. Another weakness is Friedman’s failure to address the variety of readers who may be reading this book, and he also contradicts his original premise with the chapter ‘the Unflat World’. While he does provide alternative points of view to many of his arguments, I am not certain that individuals of different disciplines would agree so much with his book. Finally, Friedman’s book may be a disappointment if you have already read his previous book The Lexus and the Olive Tree, as he basically rehashes his main arguments in a longer edition (without as much emphasis on technology).
Friedman focuses much of his story-telling about how we will see to the fact that wealth doesn’t make it past three generations.
As the book puts it “
Now that ‘being green’ is becoming more mainstream, perhaps Friedman should update his book to make a green edition? With globalization comes a heavy cost… In September of 2006 China's E.P.A reexamined their GDP and found out that health problems, environmental degradation and lost workdays from pollution had actually cost China $64 billion, or an estimated 10 percent of its total economic output for 2004. Luckily,
Friedman’s novel should be beneficial to anyone who wants to gain a grasp of the world without flying all over it as the author has done to collect insight for his book. Reading this book may not provide the answers to solve the problems associated with globalization but it presents many of the fundamental ideas which business people can use to catch up while they were asleep. I would recommend this book to anyone who is not familiar with globalization or those who are living in a university bubble.